St. Margaret Mary Alacoque Parish Faith Formation welcomes all children, ages preschool through adult. The Religious Education Program consists of Sacramental Preparation and On-Going Faith Formation. Additionally, we also provide adult and parent faith formation classes and family retreats.
Elementary Classes are for 1st year reconciliation prep (FR), 2nd Year-2nd Grade 1st reconciliation and 1st Holy Communion Prep (FRC), 2nd Year-Grades 3-6 1st Holy Communion Prep (FC) and continuing education (CE) and are held in the parish school building. (Click on Program for more information):
▪ Saturday morning (1-6 Grades FR, FRC, FC & CE) from 9–10:30 AM
▪ Sunday morning (1-6 Grades FR & FRC, FC & CE) from 8:30–10:30AM
includes 9:30am Mass
Junior/Senior High Classes are for 6th- 12th grade students and are held in the parish school building or Hegarty Hall on Wednesday evenings from 6–7:30 PM.
Elementary Classes are for 1st year reconciliation prep (FR), 2nd Year-2nd Grade 1st reconciliation and 1st Holy Communion Prep (FRC), 2nd Year-Grades 3-6 1st Holy Communion Prep (FC) and continuing education (CE) and are held in the parish school building. (Click on Program for more information):
▪ Saturday morning (1-6 Grades FR, FRC, FC & CE) from 9–10:30 AM
▪ Sunday morning (1-6 Grades FR & FRC, FC & CE) from 8:30–10:30AM
includes 9:30am Mass
Junior/Senior High Classes are for 6th- 12th grade students and are held in the parish school building or Hegarty Hall on Wednesday evenings from 6–7:30 PM.
Registration and Tuition
REGISTRATION: All Parents wishing to register their children in the SMM Faith Formation Program must attend a PARENT COMMITMENT MTG prior to registration. All RE programs begin in the fall, either in September or October. Registration for all classes begins on May 1. This gives the RE Office an opportunity to plan appropriately for the Fall.
TUITION: Tuition and fees mainly defray, but do not fully cover, the cost of classroom materials, textbooks, reference materials, audiovisuals, retreats, utilities, insurance and catechist training and workshops. Please do all you can to meet your tuition obligation. However, if there is any problem regarding the cost, please contact the RE office – payment arrangements, scholarships, etc. are all available to assist your family. No student will be denied an activity or sacramental preparation/religious education due to financial hardship, but you MUST CONTACT THE RE OFFICE. We are a family at St. Margaret Mary and cost will never be a barrier to your child’s religious education.
TUITION: Tuition and fees mainly defray, but do not fully cover, the cost of classroom materials, textbooks, reference materials, audiovisuals, retreats, utilities, insurance and catechist training and workshops. Please do all you can to meet your tuition obligation. However, if there is any problem regarding the cost, please contact the RE office – payment arrangements, scholarships, etc. are all available to assist your family. No student will be denied an activity or sacramental preparation/religious education due to financial hardship, but you MUST CONTACT THE RE OFFICE. We are a family at St. Margaret Mary and cost will never be a barrier to your child’s religious education.