1) adults not baptized who want to learn about and experience the Catholic faith tradition, 2) adults baptized in another Christian faith but drawn to a Catholic way of life, and 3) those baptized Catholic who did not complete their sacraments: First Communion and Confirmation. All are welcome.
What is RCIA?
RCIA stands for the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. It is the gradual process by which adults who ask “How does one become Catholic?” experience a deeper and deeper relationship with God through reflecting on and being challenged by the message of the gospel. It is about transformation, not information.
When is the next opportunity to join RCIA?
RCIA is an on going process and can be joined at any time during the year….however these next few months are a period of time called “inquiry”. It is a time to ask questions, to meet the Catholics and check it all out!